All comments and recommendations in this website are made in good faith from using “Psorieze®” skin products and from testimonials received from people affected by psoriasis or other skin irritations. They are not intended to diagnose, prescribe or replace medical advice.
By applying Psorieze® skin products sparingly when first indications are observed or any irritation is felt, the product's protective soothing quality is at its most effective and helps to avoid further damage to the skin that may be caused by scratching, rubbing or otherwise disturbing the irritated area. However, should the irritation, splitting of the skin and/or redness increase, stop using the balm immediately and seek medical advice. Psorieze® products are not a cure but a formulation of natural ingredients that do not contain any synthetic chemicals and are designed to help aid suffers who encounter the symptoms of psoriasis. It should not be used by persons who are sensitive or allergic to any of the ingredients.